Sunday, July 15, 2012

Can Plastic Bags Be Used As A Subtle Promotional Method For Businesses?

printed bags

Businesses, anywhere in the world, look to make as much profit as possible – well besides fulfilling a need in the market.  But in order to reach here, they must first establish a strong customer base. And this is where it gets tough for many and they bail out. How do those businesses that remain manage to hook so many customers? Consistency and subtle promotional tactics. Yes, the answer is that simple.

What are some of these subtle promotional tactics, you must be asking. Well, think about shopping. You must have a favourite store where you buy most of your items, right? Chances are they don’t wrap whatever you buy in old newspapers. They use plastic bags. And not just any plastic bags, these are printed with their logo, name, contact details and the number of branches that store has. Have you ever stopped to wonder why they use such printed bags and not just plain bags?

Well, they want to promote their business and they do it subtly through customers like you! Whenever you carry the shopping in their well legible printed bags, you will, without your knowledge, make someone feel the need to go shopping. No prize for guessing which store would be their first choice.

What makes these plastic bags so effective as subtle promotional avenues is the fact that they are reused and the messages are reread by everyone who comes into contact with them. And some of them are converted into regular customers and the cycle continues. So the answer to the question is YES, plastic bags can be used as a subtle promotional method for businesses.  

Author: Todd Johnson
Mobile: 0449 041 815


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