Thursday, August 22, 2013

What to and What not to put in your garden

If you think decorating the interior of your house is tricky, think again. Decorating gardens are also
quite complicated due to many reasons. For starters, the garden is a valuable space that can be used
for various purposes apart from decoration. You can use it for planting vegetables and herbs, build a
swimming pool or a tennis court or to create an outdoor relaxation spot according to your needs. In the end, you have to create the garden to suit your requirements, budget and also, to last a lifetime.

Let's say you wish to make your garden a functional space by growing vegetables. This is a definite plus for just about any garden. Not only will it add a certain rustic charm for those concerned with aesthetics but it will also be a great investment if you enjoy fresh herbs on your food. You will find it very easy to find seeds, plants and fertiliser at an affordable price from your local gardening supplies store. Be sure to contact someone at the store to guide you with what sort of vegetables and herbs to choose for your garden as there will be variations based on soil condition and climate.

Flowering plants are always a lovely vision in any garden. However, if you choose to plant them in your garden, be sure to consult your local gardening store or a landscaping designer to see just how suitable they will be with your lifestyle and available space. The last thing you want to see in your garden are wilted flowers and dying shrubs due to your inability to reserve adequate time for garden care. All in all, flowering plants are high maintenance. Unless you are perfectly sure that you are able to care for them after planting, you should not plant them. A suitable alternative would be evergreen shrubs and plants that  are sturdy and don't require a fussy and expensive maintenance routine.

Water structures such as bird baths, pools, fountains and ponds add a nice touch to almost any garden.
However, before putting one up, be sure to consider the implications. If you are planning to have
bird feeders in the garden, a bird bath would be a complimentary addition. However, if you simply
plan to add it for decor, be prepared for regular visits from neighbourhood cats and other animals
including birds.  As for pools and ponds, once again, you have to be prepared for the after construction maintenance routine and costs. A swimming pool is something very expensive to build.

The last thing you would want is to build one and let it go to waste due to lack of maintenance. Needless to say, a house with a pool in NSW is quite a real estate dream. While a pool can add to the value of a house, an unmaintained, damaged pool can decrease it. Concrete structures such as paving stones and benches are a great addition. If you have a grass bedding, paving stones on your driveway or on a walkway can ensure that your grass does not get trodden on. These are easy enough to put up and maintain. As for concrete benches, placing one under a shady tree is a great way to create a lovely little reading nook or hang out spot for the family. If you intend to place large statues, it is best to consult a landscaping specialist for the best results. If your garden is large and spacious, it can most probably handle a few strategically positioned statues. However, for a small garden with an irregular shape, things can get complicated. Another thing to keep in mind to choose the statue wisely as they can make or break the overall look of the garden.

Supporting structures such as retaining walls are essential for gardens with unstable soil and uneven terrain. These will make sure that the soil does not collapse under weather conditions and of course,
general usage. Retaining walls can be quite expensive. It is strongly advised that you choose a reputed professional consultant and reliable contractor for the project. Since a retaining wall is a structural element, it is important to plan it properly and take all necessary precautions to avoid future disasters. If you live in an area such as Gold Coast, finding the very best contractor of retaining walls Gold Coast has to offer can help you save costs, time and problems in the future.

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