Monday, April 30, 2012

How To Popularize Your Business

talking on phone
Whatever goods your firm produces or services it provides, you must put in place measures to sensitize the public about the availability of those services and what impact they will have on their lives. The departments charged with those activities in most organisations are the marketing or promotional divisions.

You have to use your own personnel and friends of the company to help you get word out. The method of choice: word of mouth. Although some business persons shun it, it is a powerful marketing tool if applied well. Your staff, who are in this case involved in the production of the items in question, are the best placed persons to sing the praises of your products to prospective customers. They can start by informing the people in their communities, churches and even to that supervisor in their local store.

Make a point of attending all the business symposiums in your city. The idea is to exhibit the products to the attendees, explaining to them its benefits and how they work. Most people who attend these conferences are senior managers in their respective organisations and are therefore the best-placed people to show the phones. 

Closely associated to symposiums are the trade fairs. Most cities and towns hold these regularly depending on the industry and they attract thousands of attendees; all types of attendees. Get a space and display your equipment, indicating the pricing if you wish. To help in pitching for them, get that salesman or woman from your employees who knows to do real marketing; one who can convince an Eskimo to buy ice cubes.

Another excellent approach is to sponsor events in the cities. Since you want to make the brand remain embedded in the minds of as many people as possible look for an event that pulls them together. A soccer tournament or an athletics meet would be a good guess. Another one that can have even better results is to organise a walk in aid of, say, diabetes patients. Print the t-shirts, caps and arm-bands with your brand name. Remember to hang a big banner with your details; location, address, telephone and email. To take care of walk participants who may want to know more about your phones, set a small enquiries desk at the venue.

Make full use of the electronic media. This encompasses television, radio and the internet. Start by buying space in the prime time of the most popular television station. Pick the time that you believe most of your target audience would be watching it. Do the same for radio. Although a television ad can be expensive, it is all worth it considering the returns that you’d be guaranteed.

Cold calling is one of the most effective methods of directing attention to your business. Even if you don’t practice this method, having a well functioning communications system never fails. This is why you need to make sure that you have all the right equipment to manage proper communications. Conference phones and other communications equipment are readily available at Telephone Headset Supplies. This is a reputed dealer that has been in the business for many years and you will always have an assurance on high quality and top of the range brands at all times. 

Author: Todd Johnson
Mobile: 0449 041 815


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