Sunday, June 30, 2013

How to have an envious garden

The most important element to having a really great garden is attentiveness. If your making plans to have a garden you need to plan ahead as waiting till springs comes will put you way behind schedule. Garden tools can be easily purchased from your local garden store or hardware, so make a list and buy what you need before others get to it. You should put these tools into good use by pottering about in your garden before you really start your fully fledged garden regime.

Usually gardens can be DIY projects but if you find that you hardly have the time to get this project off the ground, enlist the help of a professional Landscaper. Since winter is not a very busy month for landscape professionals, you can meet with them and get them to evaluate your garden, and request a plan of action. These professionals will start planning early since there will be many aspects that need their attention, depending on your garden. Also since supplies run out during the peak season, its best to get your hands on the required materials early, you may even end up getting a discount on these items as well.

Soil is the main element that is needed for a good garden and to have healthy looking plants. Have your soil checked for its mineral content and if there are any deficiencies you can start by fertilizing them and preparing it for the months ahead. Soil test are not that expensive therefore, you should have it tested once a year.

A garden storage area is another element that you must have in your garden, a garden shed is a great way to store your tools and supplies so that they can be reused, when needed. The garden shed should be locked and well ventilated and make sure that there is not much dampness as this can affect the fertilizers that are stored, especially granules which are used for flowering plants.

Once winter melts away you can prepare your soil for planting by raking it and digging it up for about a week. Once the soil is toiled and ready, then it’s time to have fun and start planting. You can plant tropical plants Ballina like roses, trees, spinach, tomatoes, pepper, daisies and other ornamental flowers.

Look after your garden by pruning flowering plants often so that you do get as many blooms during the season. Plan ahead and take some time to attend to your garden regularly so that you can have a garden that everyone envies. 

Author: Todd Johnson
Mobile: 0449 041 815

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