Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Different Methods Of Constructing Swimming Pools

No feeling beats taking a dip in a cold pool on a hot afternoon. This swimming activity is refreshing and has been recommended by health professionals since time immemorial. This would explain why many home owners on different parts of the world are having these pools erected on their properties day in day out. Swimming pool construction can be done in a number of ways.

Fiberglass is one of the methods and it involves the use of a fiberglass shell which is laid in-ground and the edges sealed with appropriate materials to give the pool a nice finish. To make the shell, six layers of varying materials are sealed together to provide that resistant pool that can withstand the harshest of elements.
Another swimming pool construction method is by using concrete. These offer more flexibility than fiberglass pools in that the owner has a wide choice of shapes and sizes to choose from. Its construction involves excavating the desired size and shape of hole where the framework and steel bars are set in. Concrete is then poured on the shell and left to dry. This process, which may involve a number of professionals such as an electrician, builder and plumber, may take approximately two months.

There is also vinyl liner pool construction method that has been gaining popularity. This is just the interior surface of the pool which is mostly made from waterproof PVC thermoplastic vinyl. It is then laid onto wooden or galvanised steel walls and then filled with water. These types of pools are popular because they are cheap to install and take short time to erect.
Author: Todd Johnson
Email: Todd@australianwebsitedevelopment.com.au
Mobile: 0449 041 815


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