Monday, June 4, 2012

The enchanting beaches of the Gold Coast region

Many of the most preferred activities for holidaymakers in Gold Coast take place on the serene and captivating beaches. But again, a fulfilling holiday anywhere on earth should include a beach somewhere, shouldn’t it?

If your favourite activity in such a destination is to just while your time on the sand as you get that dream tan, there is more room than you can possibly need. With subtropical climate defining the weather in this city of 600,000, you can pick a spot anywhere on the seemingly endless beaches and sun yourself for hours on end. Some of the quieter beaches are a favourite for holidaymakers who want their peace to read a book or just meditate.

Look at the Main Beach area for instance. This seaside suburb provides that quietness that a visitor would be seeking. They can lie under a beach umbrella for hours as they read that novel or just listen to music on their headphones. . For superior accommodation Main Beach Gold Coast is the place to be as it is literally at the centre of where all the action takes place.

Because the apartments are literally neighbouring the ocean, you can just walk straight from your room and head to partake in surfing like hundreds others. And this is how a fulfilling holiday should be like.The area is aptly named Main Beach because it used to be the preferred place to surf for the residents of Southport.
Not very far from the mainland, this 21 km by 2.5 km island is home to the perfect beaches for the people who want to take the action away from the bustle of the city. The ocean has just the right waves for surfing and is especially favourable for learners. Apart from surfing, the island beaches are also home to rainforest, wetlands plus flora and fauna that can only be termed as unique.

Surfers Paradise Beach is another amazing place for those who can’t get enough of seaside activities. A suburb in the Gold Coast, Surfers Beach prides in having a wide surf beach and being the centre of the city’s entertainment and tourism. It has been variously termed as one of the country’s iconic destinations that cater for tourists. 

Author: Todd Johnson
Mobile: 0449 041 815


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