Thursday, June 14, 2012

Get the Cutest Pram for Your Baby

It is time you stopped dreaming of what you are going to surprise your unborn baby with and instead made it a reality by buying a Phil and Teds pram. You might have seen the beautiful couple pushing their baby around the park or in town in one of those cute prams and you fell in love with it instantly. But instead of asking where they got it you spent your five minutes with them petting their baby and exchanging other pleasantries.

But not to worry; their cute pram is a Phil and Teds and every parent who loves their baby can tell you for free that the brand name is a force to reckon with when it comes to baby travel. The best thing about Phil and Teds is that they have a wide range of prams and these are ideal for newborns up to the time the toddler is six years.

These prams are just what your baby requires. They have been made slim and light to ensure that any adult can push them. And you know what; Phil and Teds prams have passed the global safety certifications meaning that the safety of your baby is guaranteed. The harness on the seat comes in a 5-point adjustability and the seat reclines fully if you so wish.

The prams from Phil and Teds are made to accommodate two children; you can have a toddler seating on the main seat while a newborn can lie on the other. In a nutshell, this is what every parent who loves showing their babies the great outdoors should be going for.

Author: Todd Johnson
Mobile: 0449 041 815


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