Friday, May 4, 2012

Things To Consider When Buying A Pram

They were more popular many years ago but it seems they are somehow making a comeback; a big comeback. We are talking about baby prams. What many of the modern parents call a pram is actually wrong and the items they likely mean are either pushchairs or buggies. Prams are a bit bulky and they hold the baby in a lying position. The advent of better technology means that trendier prams are being manufactured and parents are rushing to the stores to own one. Before you can join them, there are some few factors you need to consider before buying that pram.

The first consideration would be the age of your baby. A Phil and Teds pram is mostly suited for infants from birth to about four years and it would not work out well with older children. The carriage’s basket is not large enough to accommodate a baby when he or she reaches a certain size. Although it comes with a recliner to allow the baby bend his back comfortably, he will become bumpy soon enough because he can’t stretch himself well. It is recommended that you buy it before or just after he is born.

Look also for the safety features. A high quality model of a pram comes with safety harnesses that hold the baby in place. Look for the one that has strong harnesses plus an equally strong sun shade. The harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun can easily damage a baby’s delicate skin and the right pram therefore needs to have a functioning sunroof. This means that you won’t have to avoid taking the baby out when the weather is not friendly.

It is also important to consider where you live. In these days, the manufacturers of baby prams have come with different varieties that boast of being all-weather, high ground clearance and rough terrain. If you live in a suburb, city or in the countryside it would be necessary therefore to know the particular model that can cope with it comfortably. Remember that a model that claims to be suited for upcountry environment needs to look the part; ensure you scrutinize it thoroughly.

Another key factor worth considering is the weight. You do not want to buy a pram that would be so heavy that you will not be able to push. Quality items like Phil and Teds Pushchairs are manufactured with modern technology, ensuring that only lightweight but strong materials are used.This guarantees that an average adult
can push it even with one hand making the ride a beautiful experience.

The store or outlet that sells these items is also worth thinking about. With the current high prevalence of stores that are out to fleece people through selling counterfeit goods, a buyer would be well-advised to avoid them. They may tempt by their friendly prices but the cost to pay later is huge. What with their breaking down every now and then and lack of a warranty.

Different stores may offer varying prices. The intention of all this is to get hold of that one store that offers reasonable prices. And an ideal recommendation for such a store would be Baby Bella. With a wide range of prams from a wide range of manufacturers, Baby Bella is your one stop baby shop for all baby product needs.

Author: Todd Johnson
Mobile: 0449 041 815


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